We all have pasts to overcome if we are going to maximise our future opportunities and potential. Whilst some have dealt effectively with their past, others are left stranded with invisible strings from their past holding them back from moving forward effectively. As a trained medical Doctor with astute spiritual insight, Dr Sola has helped thousands of both single and married people push past traumatic experiences and embrace their future. He helps people develop emotional resilience and put into effect real change, enabling them to reach their personal, marital and career potential.
Success is beyond money is Dr Sola’s mantra. His coaching is focused on helping entrepreneurs and leaders achieve success by building the right foundation, as he popularly says, you can’t build a sky scraper destiny on a bungalow foundation. Furthermore he empowers & inspires leaders to have the courage to maintain maximum integrity in all their dealings for their organisations and teams. His clients past and present include Bank MDs, CEOs of various charities and public figures.
Consultancy / Training
Dr Sola has worked with diverse organisations both in the public and private sector to develop their leaders. He focuses on helping leaders increase their performance by being holistically successful in both their private and professional life. Using a combination of tailored psychometric tests, online modules and live workshops his interventions are guaranteed to help leaders increase their performance and drive business results.