The Secrets to Winning Your Invisible Battles
Having been at the forefront of a cutting edge ministry for over the best part of 20 years it has become more & more obvious to me that the majority of life s battles are not fought in the physical but in the spiritual realm.
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Having been at the forefront of a cutting edge ministry for over the best part of 20 years it has become more & more obvious to me that the majority of life s battles are not fought in the physical but in the spiritual realm. Having experienced many battles first hand & still baring some of the scars my quest with this book is to ensure that as many as read it & apply the principles and practices recommended are victorious in the battles of life that will no doubt confront them. The book explores Exposing & Dismantling Invisible Forces in various ramifications, it provides a solid base for how & what we need to fight battles. You will learn: – How most of life’s battles start in the invisible spiritual realm – If Christians can be attacked by Witchcraft – What can make you vulnerable to an attack – An expose of satanic schemes & strategies – How you can take satan to court and win – How you can breakthrough long standing problems – How you can become stronger than your enemy I would advocate that every Christian that wants to win life s battles picks up this sword & gets ready to do battle. My prayer is that you are strengthened through the content & it becomes part & parcel of you being an eternal victor. Dr Sola Fola-Alade